Un piccolo grande sintetizzatore analogico nella tradizione del suono Grp. Largo 8 spazi verticali 5U, montato nel suo cabinet dai rigorosi fianchetti in massello di ciliegio, con connessioni MIDI e Analog CV/Gate. Questa bestiolina ha due potenti oscillatori con le classiche forme d'onda Grp, più Super Saw e Super Triangle; il potente filtro Grp State Variable 12 dB, un Ring Modulator (avete mai provato a modulare ad anello una Super Saw a nove componenti?), un Noise Generator, un
Amplificatore e una coppia di splendidi Vumeter analogici. Poi c'é una coppia di Envelope Generator, quello del filtro ha il loop engine già sperimentato nell'A4 Analog Synthesizer, e una coppia di LFO/Modulation routing. L'arpeggiatore di bordo è semplice da usare, può essere pilotato da Clock Interno, MIDI o External Analog, e offre diversi trucchetti divertenti. Grp A2 Analog Synthesizer è costruito come un carro armato. Ma è molto più pericoloso.
Specifiche Tecniche
Voltage Controlled Oscillator 1, 2
Wide audio range (32’-2’) w. Tune & Fine
Five analog waveforms (Triangle, Triangle & Saw summed, Saw, Saw & Variable Pulse summed, Variable Pulse); SuperSaw and SuperTriangle (only VCO2)
manual PW & PWM;
FM Exp w. Amt (from VCLFO1, LFO2, VCO1, 2, Noise, RM, S&H,EG1, EG2, Aft, ModW, VCF Out) w. phase rev
Hard sync (VCO 1 master)
Kybd on/off
Ring Modulator
Ring Mod Sources: VCO1 & VCO2.
Noise Generator
White Noise.
Audio Mixer
Separate level controls for VCO 1, 2, Ring Mod, Noise.
Filter Section
12 dB/Oct State Variable
Mode (12dB HP, 6 dB BP, 12 dB LP, 6 dB Notch)
Cutoff Frequency; Resonance
FM Amt (from VCLFO1, LFO2, VCO 1, 2, Noise, RM, S&H, EG2, Aft, ModW, Bend)
Kybd Track 0-120%
Filter section can be configured in Direct Out (LP goes on Left Audio Out, HP goes on Right AudioOut).
Voltage Controlled Amplifier
Dedicaded Envelope Generator (see below)
Control Selection (dedicated EG2, ON-hold, External CV)
Stereo Main
Master Volume, analog Vu-meters.
Envelope Generator 1
Multi Stage Loopable Env (Attack, Decay, Sustain Lev, Sustain Time-Only in Loop On, Release);
EG Amt
EG time goes from 1msec to 20 sec.
Loop Envelope: loop from Attack to Release, w. Sustain Time selectable.
Loop Mode Switch: Loop Off: EG as standard ADSR, no Sustain Time.
Gate: EG loops from A to S (w. Sustain Time max 60”) as long as Gate is On.
Auto: EG full loop, from A to R; independent from Gate.
Envelope Generator 2
Attack ,Decay/Release
Voltage Controlled Low Frequency 1
Frequency (from very low to 2500 Hz)
Waveform (Square, Triangle, Saw, Ramp)
FM Amt , FM Sources (Key, LFO)
Key Sync (Off – On)
Shaping LFO out (from: Hold,Aft,ModW)
Voltage Controlled Low Frequency 2
Freq Range (Low-Mid-High)
Waveform (Triangle, Square)
Shaping Select (Hold, Aft, ModW)
Indipendent Send Modulations for: VCO 1, 2; VCF Cutoff.
Sample & Hold
Frequency Source (Int, Gate,Ext)
LED Frequency
S&H Source (Noise, LFO2)
The S&H Clock can be routed to EG firing; there are three options: Off – no routing; Gate – the S&H clock is ANDed with keyb/ext/manual Gate; Auto – EGs always fired from S&H.
Tuning - Midi
Master Tune
Portamento Time
Bend Amount
VCO 1 Portamento On/Off
VCO 1 Bend On/Off
Hold On/Off
Midi to CV On/Off
MIDI Interface: MIDI channel set at Power-On w. First MIDI Note received
A2 receives: MIDI Note On/Off, Bend, Modulation, Aftertouch, Damper, MIDI Clock.
Frequency and PW Gate (Legato/Staccato)
Controls Run/Stop user’s selectable,
Hold Mode for latching arpeggio
Selectable Advance Mode (Up, Down, U/D, Random);
Arpeggio Step Repeat (1x no repeat, 2x, 3x);
Arpeggio Octave Range (x1, x2, x3, x4)
Arpeggio Clock Source Selectable (Internal, External Analog Pulse, MIDI Clock)
Arpeggio Step Size (quarter note, eight note, sixteen note)
Audio: Stereo Phones Out; Left/LP Out; Right/HP Out.
CV Control In 1: Tip = Filter Cutoff CV In / Ring = LFO 1 Rate CV In
CV Control In 2: Tip = Amp Level CV In / Ring = VCO 2 Frequency CV In
External Analog Keyboard In: CV 1 (1V/Oct), Gate In (0/+5V)
ARP/S&H Clock In: External Clock In
Grp Synthesizer A2 costs €1650 plus VAT